Portland: 503.567.6830 Silicon Valley: 408.871.7030

Our Practices


Agile Development

We are believers in the agile development approach. Our team recognizes that projects benefit from a non-linear. Rather than spending months developing monolithic “scope and spec” documents, we break projects down into manageable chunks.
Work on an Agile project will normally proceed through the following repetitive activity cycle: Identify, Execute and Review.


a manageable chunk or particular feature is selected for focus


the feature or chunk of the project is developed within an agreed-upon timeline


Upon completion feedback is provided by the client and the team refines functionality

Clean Code

Clean Code

We work hard to generate the cleanest code possible using agile methodologies and practices. This helps with ongoing support of your application and minimizes the potential for bugs.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Before your solution is launched we employ a methodical and thorough approach to quality assurance. We also utilize automation to put your solution through it’s paces for thorough and efficient testing.